Tuesday, October 11, 2011

From Father to Son by Dana Canedy

From Father to Son
Describe a person you know who has positively touched the lives of the people around. Describe who has been impacted and how.

How They Get You to do That By Janny Scott

How They Get You to do That

Is the need for social validation strong for someone you know.? Tell what makes you think this way. How has it impacted their life?

Do you consider yourself easily influence by advertising? Do you know someone who is influenced by persuasion. use examples as you recall them.
Joe Davis : A Cool Man
Choose a topic from the essay suggestions. at the end of the article.

Rowing the Bus by Paul Logan

Rowing the Bus

Choose a topic from the essay suggestions. at the end of the article.

All Good Things by Sister Helen Mrosla

All Good Things

Write about someone to whom you are grateful and explain what this person has done for you.

Do it Better by Ben Carson MD

Writing prompt

"There are several ways parents can help children live up to their potential." Write an essay to explain two or three methods parents can use.
Ideas; chores study time/scouts/ responsibilities/ praise

Questions for Do It Better

  1. Give another good title for this reading.

  2. How much education did Bennie's mother have?

  3. What did Mrs. Carson insist so her sons would be better students.

  4. Did Ben like like library books from the first time he saw one.?

  5. Why did Bennie Carson think he was dumb/ not intelligent/

  6. What did his mother believe about education and her sons?

  7. What is obsidian and what did Bennie know about it?

  8. How did considering himself the 'dumbest kid affect bennie's schoolwork?

  9. What happened that convinced Bennie of the importance of reading books/

  10. How does Carson reveal his mother's charecter? Give examples.
What qualities should an authority figure like a principal or board member have

? Explain with examples.
Discuss any times in your life that you have worked extra hard to achieve something.
Describe a time in life when you have witnessed an injustice. How did you feel. How did you react?

Answer these questions post in your journal or blog.
  1. What is the central point of the reading?
  2. Why is winning the jacket so important to Marta?
  3. How could a student earn the jacket?
  4. Why was Marta was raised by her grandparents?
  5. What name was Marta called at school?
  6. How can we tell that the principal was "uncomfortable and unhappy"?
  7. The author implies that the board members were not going to give Marta the jacket because....?
  8. Grandpa says, "If you pay for it, Marta, __________________.
  9. What would be a term for the policy to require a fee for the jacket?
  10. What impression do you form about Marta's grandfather?
  11. What does dignity mean in this story and what ways did Marta maintain hers?
  12. Find and write three words or phrases the author uses to describe her different emotional states.